Knee “Hiza Ate”
This technique uses the top of the knee as the primary striking area. The foot is raised up quickly driving the knee into many targets.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Top Of foot “Kin Geri”
This technique primary uses the first two knuckles of the top of the instep. This is primary used for striking the groin but it can be used for other target of the body depending on the target and the position of the opponent.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Heal of Foot “Kagato Geri”
This technique primary striking area is the heal of the foot. Booth the back of the heal and the bottom of the heal are used depending on the way it’s used.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Ball of Foot “Mae Geri”
One of the most classical Karate techniques. Mae geri uses the ball of the foot as the primary striking area. The foot is generally station parallel with the floor with the knee raised above the belt and then riven straight into the target.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Edge of foot “Kansetsu Geri”
This technique like sokuto Geri has the same mechanics but Kansetsu target the opponents knee joint as the primary target hence the name.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Edge of Foot “Sokuto Geri”
This technique uses the outside edge of the foot from the heal to just under the little toes first knuckle as the primary striking area. The knee is raised off the floor and held above the belt then the knee drives the outside edge of the foot to the target.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Circular Ball of Foot “Mawashi Geri”
This technique uses the ball of foot and also the instep as the primary striking area. The technique is like a Mae geri but the knee is parallel with the floor and the motion of the leg is the same as Mae geri.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Back Kick “Ushiro Geri”
This technique primary striking area is the heal of the foot. The knee is held above the belt and then it drives the heal rearward in the direction of the target.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Crescent Kick “Mikasuki Geri”
There are two variation two this technique both use the same arch one from the outside of the body towards the inside and the other from the inside of the body to the outside of the body.
In the inside the arch of the foot is the primary striking area and the outside the edge is the primary striking area.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Hook Kick “ Ushiro Mawashi”
In this technique the foot is chambered much like Sokuto Geri but with the knee a little higher. As the foot travels in an arch the leg is pulled back and the foot is taken to the target. In Budo Karate the primary contact is the heal in todays sport competitions the primary area of contact is the sole of the foot.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Jump front Kick “Mae Tobi Geri”
This technique is a combination of two kicks. Starting with either side raise the leg as to execute a mae geri and jump up then very quickly draw that leg back as you execute a jodan mae geri in the air landing with the original leg that the movement started with.
This is a “gross motor skill” weapon.
Jump side Kick “Joko Tobi Geri”
This technique is like mae tobi geri a jumping kick but using the edge of the foot sokuto. Starting with either side taking some forward steps jump with the leg that you eventually going to kick with as you are in the air turn the body so the side where the kick is coming from is leading and execute sokuto geri.